I dont usually ask for anything (i am not sure if I ever even asked you for anything) but my parrot got sick and right now I am in dire need of money🙏 She has airsacculitis its lung inflammation and she will require treatment and more likely a long one and this also means an expensive one😥 For now I already spent about $300 on doctor appointment some lab tests and medicine. But its only the beginning since tests will be ready only in a couple weeks. And only then I will know for sure which antibiotics I should give her and if she will require other medicine as well
I also should be moving soon (finally) and this will require quite a ton of money as well. My current appartment is quite a hell for both me and my parrot. And of course I still have to eat, pay bills and mortgage
Even a small amount would help me🙏 I have several open YCHs and commissions as well. If you take several YCHs I will give you a discount
I also have quite cheap artistic freedom commissions
And if you are interested in vore theme please check YCHs on my side account as well
If you dont want or cant buy something but still wanna help you can donate some money on my patreon, boosty or buy me a coffee
There is also a sale on my gumroad. With 'xmas' promocode you can have all fanart packs and bases with 50% discount
I am in quite a lot of stress rn. This year was a total disaster (as some of you might know I live in Russia and probably all of you aware of the situation). And in addition to current events I myself have a severe health issues right now (anemia, depression plus severe hormonal problems and unknown heart condition). But I wont survive if something bad happenes to my parrot, she is the love of my life. I am ready to sacrifice even my own health just to help her😥
Anyway I don't wanna be whining too much. Thanks a lot for your time and any help (even just spreading the word)
And please stay safe in these difficult times💖